We will have so much fun knitting this cardigan/ sweater.
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Administrator: Jeanie Townsend
Moderator: Astrid

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sleeve Lined Up with Body

For your viewing pleasure, a completed sleeve lined up with the body. It looks as though it will be a good fit, although next time, I would knit the body up to the neck with no steek, keeping it all in pattern, and cut a slit for the armholes. That way, if the sleeve did not fit correctly, I could adjust the size of the slit. I'm committed at this point.

The sleeve has been steam pressed and everything evened out quite nicely. The body has not been pressed yet but should improve as well.

I have used up all my gray yarn and have ordered more from Astrid, with a couple of inches to go on the second sleeve. She says she has plenty on hand, so not to worry. You could use another color for the facing if you wished in order to stretch it. My sweater is the medium size and I actually made the sleeves somewhat shorter than the pattern indicated.

Now I am thinking about the button bands. I'm thinking of putting on duplicate stitch after they are finished. Can't imagine trying to knit in buttonholes AND knitting the rose border too. Anyone have other ideas? Maybe I'll wait until Astrid paves the way!!!!

I adore this yarn and pattern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!

It looks gorgeous..... I'm only half way sleeve 1 !

Now don't wait for me with the button bands, as I do the sweater, so I don't need a button band :)

But I've thought about it already of course and have an answer: I don't think it's wise to knit the rose border here. Duplicate stitches is much wiser.

How can you button down your cardigan with all the yarn hanging on the back? You will always have yarn peeping through the button holes (and you will pull on the stitches as well if the yarn is wrapped around the button, what will happen...) plus the fact that the button band will be much and much too thick.

Please note: this is my personal opinion, perhaps there are others who think about this differently?
